cloud strategy

Find out how are approach to delivering cloud capability within your organisation can help you reduce risk, improve performance and establish control.

Migrating your entire applications portfolio to the cloud can be both a daunting and unrewarding exercise. Are you able to articulate the benefits of moving each workload from its on-premise location to a cloud provider or SaaS offering? Do these benefits outweigh any sunk capital and future operational costs?

Maybe you’ve started with the low-hanging fruit and your migration project has now stalled, or perhaps your still in your proof of concept stage and you are not sure which cloud (or multi-cloud) provider is right for you.

Do you know your GCP from your GKE? Is Kubernetes the right approach for you now?

Why you might need support

How we can help

Business Benefits

  • Expenditure analysis on current state
  • Business Case for Cloud Migration, including predicted expenditure on future state, programme costs and future benefits.
  • Baseline performance and availability levels for current state and defined future state expectations.
  • Security analysis and requirements
  • People, Policy and Technology requirements agreed
  • High level roadmap to reach the Target Operating Model

Contact us to find out more